June 2025 – Summertime is….
Summertime is….
A sandy beach, cool drink while on the patio, traveling to your favorite hideaway or any of the many images that bring summer to mind for you. Please share what you envision when you think of summer and include a 35-word description of the quilt.
The quilt can be either a traditional or a non-traditional design and will be voted on by members at the June 2025 meeting. Prizes will be awarded to the top three viewer’s choice in the two different categories.
To be eligible for this challenge, the quilt must:
- have been started after the announcement of the challenge
- have a perimeter of less than 144 inches
- be finished (quilted and bound)
- have no uncovered identifying labels
If you have any questions, please e-mail Judi Doody or Mary Helen Collen (or use the Contact Us form on the website). Have fun!!
Service Projects
Fidget Quilts (printable directions)
Designed to keep hands busy, fidget quilts are quilts covered with embellishments and trimmings and can be of great assistance to people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or memory loss, offering tactile stimulation that helps to maintain fine motor skills. They are also helpful to those with learning disabilities.
Materials: Two pieces of material 18″ x 22″ (fat quarters). These can be the same or different designs.
1 Piece of batting 18″ x 22″, Matching thread
Directions: Sandwich the fabric right sides together with the batting on top (so when turned, the batting will be inside). Leave a 6-inch opening for turning. Trim the corners and turn the quilt right side out.
Press the quilt and topstitch ¼ inch around the edge. This will close up the opening.
You can now add items to the quilt. Be sure that they are large enough that they can’t be swallowed and secured so that they can’t come off easily.
An alternative way to make a fidget quilt is to piece together squares for the top, adding embellishments as you go. Then sandwich, quilt, and bind as desired. More information on this method can be found on the YouTube video with Rob.
Some suggestions for items that can be added to the quilt: flowers with faces that are stuffed to be 3D small fuzzy material animals, 7″ zippers, crochet items (snowflakes, trees), buttons and buttonholes, fringe, lace, bows, rick rack, a key chain on a ribbon, cloth glove, a line of prairie points, a strip of Velcro pockets.
Some Recommended Quilt Sizes
Camp Erin Quilts: 48 x 72
NICU Quilts for Albany Med: Minimum 24 x 24, Maximum 36 x 36
Veteran Quilts – Lap Size 35 x 40
Veteran Quilts – Bed Size 66 x 90
Friendship Star Block Pattern for March 2022 Service Projects (printable pattern and directions) Please use a white background fabric and colors or patterns suitable for children and teens.
No Point Star Block Pattern used for Quilt of Valor Block Party 2023
Placemat Project (printable directions)
Quilted Placemats are collected at guild meetings throughout the year. They are distributed to local organizations serving the elderly, shut-ins, and other people in need. Our placemats bring much joy to the recipients. We donate hundreds of placemats every year!
Any cheerful design is welcome. The recommended finished size is 14″ x 18″, give or take an inch.
If you have questions, contact Lorraine Doyno Evans or Ruth Kvale.